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Global Accreditation System

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GAS Accreditation programs

GAS accreditation programs contain criteria developed by the SIC / TC technical committee, based on internationally recognized norms and recommendations, thus ensuring accreditation is recognized worldwide.

The accreditation process confirms that the body certifying on a specific standard has the necessary competence and impartiality to do so.


The GAS Accreditation Agency was created to assess the competence and impartiality of bodies, laboratories required to carry out certification, inspection, testing and functions as part of the SIC (System of International Certification) as a separate structural unit. The coordination and control of GAS activities is carried out by the coordination and administration center  System of International Certification.

Accreditation criteria are a set of requirements that a certification/inspection body or laboratory must fulfill in order to be accredited. There are 3 main groups of criteria in Global Accreditation System:

·        Management system criteria;

·        Personnel qualification related criteria;

·        Criteria, related to workplace, equipment and assessment tools.

Accreditation is carried out in accordance with the established rules. The issued accreditation certificates are entered in the register (link to the register) with an indication of their status

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Accreditation Services:

ISO/ IEC 17020

This International Standard contains requirements for the competence of bodies performing inspection and for the impartiality and consistency of their inspection activities.
It applies to inspection bodies of type A, B or C, as defined in this International Standard, and it applies to any stage of inspection.

ISO/IEC 17021

Determines the requirements for the management system of the certification body, the competence responsibility of personnel, information and data management, the procedure for certification of management systems.

ISO/ IEC 17024

ISO 17024 – is designed to achieve and promote the worldwide accepted reference level for organizations that carry out certification (attestation) of personnel. Certification of personnel is one way to ensure that certified individuals meet the requirements of the certification scheme. Trust in personnel certification schemes is achieved through a generally accepted process of assessing and periodically re-assessing the conpetence of certified individuals.

ISO/ IEC 17025

ISO 17025 specifies the general requirements for the competence, impartiality and consistent operation of laboratories.
This document is applicable to all organizations performing laboratory activities, regardless of the number of personnel.
Laboratory customers, regulatory authorities, organizations and schemes using peer-assessment, accreditation bodies, and others use this document in confirming or recognizing the competence of laboratories

ISO/ IEC 14065

Defines the requirements and rules to be followed by certification bodies whose activities are related to the conformity assessment of products, processes and services.